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Why Did We Donate Funds for Christmas Lights?

I was trawling social media one night when I noticed a post raising funds for the St Ives Christmas Lights. I live, and our head office is based, in St Ives, I could not just scroll past, so I read on for more.

Essentially, plans to upgrade the Christmas lights had been scuppered by the pandemic. The usual Christmas lights team on the town council had been allocated to pandemic work, and funds raised locally had dropped considerably with less human contact and high street footfall.

As a family man, I am more than aware of the effects of the pandemic on mine and my friend’s children. We are all concerned about what Christmas will look like this year. Will we be able to see our extended families, any friends at all? Frankly, we just do not know.

The Christmas lights are a symbol of a happy, spiritual to some, peaceful, joyous, and magical time. Without that symbol, without the cheer of the lights, as you walk the streets of the town in the early dark of the winter evenings, we are taking something away from ourselves, lonely pensioners, anxious key workers, and especially our children.

I made the decision I could not simply sit back. I contacted the new organiser and we worked together to create a package of financial support that would make a significant difference to the funding. Suddenly, ILUX became the headline sponsor of the lights for 2020.

The lights have had their setbacks. Wiring, timers, and other technical equipment was not deemed safe to remain in place for another year. Therefore, the cost of the new lights and these extra costs have skyrocketed once again.

ILUX, alongside our marketing team and supporting the new organiser Michael is working hard to secure further investment and support from local people and businesses. It would be heart-warming if everyone could spare even a pound to help us to pass the total and begin to focus on the virtual ‘switch on’ event.

If you can help, even a small amount, every penny ensures St Ives Christmas Lights of 2020 will be the best the town has ever seen. Visit: to find out more.

Thank you and let’s all work hard to make sure Christmas is the best it can be for our families, in this awful year.

James Tilbury
Chief Executive Officer
Tel: 01480 501500
Mobile: 07834 850809

For James’s other articles, blogs and insights, click here.

ILUX kickstarts 2024 with new jobs, new people and new clients

February 16, 2024|

ILUX, the IT support and consultancy business, has kickstarted the year with key promotions and new staff, and added three local household names to its client portfolio. The company began working with Premier Travel in January as a strategic IT consultant to the business. The travel agency, [Read more]

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