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How to buy IT support – Part two: Ten reasons to switch IT support providers

Managing a business means you have multiple demands put on you. Your operational drivers will mean you have to respond quickly and be agile in your decision-making. Your long-term strategic goals will require time and investment to achieve. But one thing is for sure, that technology will underpin and help you deliver on both.

Choosing the right IT support partner is, potentially, one of the biggest decisions you will make for your business. Get it right and the technology works for you. It can make your workforce more productive and your processes smoother. It gives you greater security with less risk and ultimately can lead to better client service. Get it wrong and you end up with sleepless nights, frustrated staff, unhappy clients, and open to cyber threats.

James Tilbury talks you through how to find the right partner in his latest blog series. It will cover what to look out for when talking to external IT suppliers, how you might integrate outsourcing with your in-house function, and find a partner (rather than just a supplier,) that is the perfect fit for you.

Part two: 10 reasons why you should consider switching

Read Part one: Have an IT strategy here>>

Switching suppliers for any product or service can sometimes be perceived as a challenge, particularly for IT. Will everything work OK, will it take up loads of time? Will it interrupt my business? It’s definitely a risk, but if you are experiencing any of the situations below, it may be a calculated one;

  1. You’re not seeing business results. ROI is everything, and you should be able to see at a glance, exactly how your IT support company is working for you and what results they are delivering
  2. Poor communication – this can cover a multitude of issues, from not answering the phone to not giving you progress updates
  3. They don’t take data security seriously – some IT providers operate on a “do as I say, not as I do” basis. This means your data is at risk because your data is their data
  4. They won’t go outside of the contract – this suggests a real lack of concern for your business. Nobody expects something for nothing, but they should be pre-empting your needs and understand that one size does not fit all businesses
  5. They take too long to fix things – downtime costs money and if this is happening, it’s affecting your bottom line
  6. They won’t accept responsibility – there needs to be trust on both sides and transparent reporting
  7. They use jargon – every industry has it but you shouldn’t have to understand it. You want to work with technical specialists that can also explain things in plain English
  8. You’re not learning – you don’t need to know everything, that is what your IT provider is for, but they should be prepared to share their knowledge if it benefits you and your business
  9. They try to sell you something every time you speak – technology develops quicker than most sectors but it doesn’t mean you have to have the latest in everything. Look for a company that matches investment against your business objectives.
  10. You’ve outgrown them – not a bad reason, but your needs have changed and you need a different approach.

Want to know more? Download the IT Services Buyers Guide which will help you understand what questions to ask, what to look out for, and avoid a costly mistake.

Ready to talk? Get in touch or book a 15-minute call with James.

Let’s talk

James Tilbury
Chief Executive Officer
Tel: 01480 501500
Mobile: 07834 850809

For James’s other articles, blogs and insights, click here.

ILUX kickstarts 2024 with new jobs, new people and new clients

February 16, 2024|

ILUX, the IT support and consultancy business, has kickstarted the year with key promotions and new staff, and added three local household names to its client portfolio. The company began working with Premier Travel in January as a strategic IT consultant to the business. The travel agency, [Read more]

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